
作者: 来源: 发布日期:2021-09-29 浏览次数:

 一、基本信息    39a7fbba293048a0837d145e9f00748a.jpg

赵亮,男,1982年生,博士,教授,博士生导师。2000年至2011年在陕西师范大学学习并相继获得学士、硕士、博士学位;其中2004年7月至2005年8月在陕西省山阳县中学扶贫支教;2009年11 月至2010年11月在中科院植物研究所系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室学习;2011年8月至今在西北农林科技大学300部看黄禁用免费老司机工作;曾先后在美国史密森研究院、英国牛津大学学习。

担任中国植物学会会员、陕西省植物学会副秘书长、陕西省第四次大熊猫调查植物组专家、国家自然科学基金函评专家,Jounal of Sytematics and Evolution, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society、Frontiers in Plant Science、Plant Diversity、Flora、《植物学报》、《广西植物》等杂志审稿人。













(1)国家自然科学基金面上项目:东亚特有臭樱属(蔷薇科)的起源、演化和分类学研究(No: 32170381, 2022.01–2025.12)

(2)国家自然科学基金面上项目:广义李属(蔷薇科)的系统发育及花序和花器官的演化规律研究(No: 31770200, 2018.01–2021.12)

(3)国家自然科学基金青年项目:毛茛科植物不同花器官排列式样的形成和演化规律研究(No: 31300158, 2014.01–2016.12)

(4)国家重点研发计划子课题:五味子、猪苓种质资源、真伪鉴别和优质良种生产方法研究(No. 2021YFD1000203312, 2021.6–2023.12)

(5)中央高校基本科研业务费专项:小檗科植物花瓣的起源方式及其演化规律研究(No: QN2012020, 2012.4–2015.4)

(6)教育部博士点专项科研基金(No: 20120204120032, 2013.1–2015.12)

(7)陕西省引进人才科研启动费(No: Z111021315, 2013.12-2016.12)
























(1) Wang X, Wang JR, Xie SY, Zhang XH, Chang ZY, Zhao L*, Ronse De Craene L, Wen J. 2022. Floral morphogenesis of the  Maddenia  and  Pygeum  groups of  Prunus  (Rosaceae), with an emphasis on the perianth. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 60: 1062–1077.

(2) Tong RC, Gui CX, Zhang Y, Su N, Hou XQ, Liu M, Yang ZP, Kang B, Chang ZY, Jabbour F, Zhao L*. 2022. Phylogenomics, plastome structure and species identifcation in  Mahonia  (Berberidaceae). BMC Genomics 23: 766.

(3) Su N, Liu BB, Wang JR, Tong RC, Ren C, Chang ZY, Zhao L*, Potter D, Wen J. 2021. On the species delimitation of the  Maddenia group of  Prunus (Rosaceae): evidence from plastome and nuclear sequences and morphology. Frontiers in Plant Science 12: 743643.

(4) Li QJ, Su N, Zhang L, Tong RC, Zhang XH, Wang JR, Chang ZY, Zhao L*, Potter D. 2020. Chloroplast genomes elucidate diversity, phylogeny, and taxonomy of  Pulsatilla (Ranunculaceae). Scientific Reports 10: 19781.

(5) Wang JR, Wang X, Su N, Li QJ, Zhang XH, Ma YP, Zhao L*, Ginefra Tonie JF, Ronse De Craene L. 2020. Floral morphology and morphogenesis in  Sanguisorba(Rosaceae): flower diversification despite petal reduction and spatial constraints. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 193: 47–63.

(6) Li QJ, Wang X, Wang JR, Su N, Zhang L, Ma YP, Chang ZY, Zhao L*, Potter D. 2019. Efficient identification of  Pulsatilla  (Ranunculaceae) using DNA barcodes and micro-morphological characters. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10: 1196.

(7) Wang X, Gong JZ, Li QJ, Wang JR, Ma YP, Zhang XH, Chang ZY, Wen J*, Zhao L* 2019. Floral organogenesis of  Prunus laurocerasus  and  P. serotina  and its significance for the systematics of the genus and androecium diversity in Rosaceae. Botany. 97: 71–84.

(8) Zhao L, Potter D, Xu Y, Liu PL, Johnson G, Chang ZY, Wen J*. 2018. Phylogeny and spatio-temporal diversification of  Prunus  subgenus  Laurocerasus  section  Mesopygeum  (Rosaceae) in the Malesian region. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 56: 637–651.

(9) Gong JZ, Li QJ, Wang X, Ma YP, Zhang XH, Zhao L*, Chang ZY, Ronse De Craene L. 2018. Floral morphology and morphogenesis in  Camptotheca  (Nyssaceae), and its systematic significance. Annals of Botany. 121: 1411–1425.

(10) Zhao L, Jiang XW, Zuo YJ, Liu XL, Chin SW, Haberle R, Potter D, Chang ZY, Wen J*. 2016. Multiple events of allopolyploidy in the evolution of the racemose lineages in  Prunus  (Rosaceae) based on integrated evidence from nuclear and plastid data. PLoS ONE. 11: e0157123.

(11) Zhao L, Bachelier JB, Zhang XH, Ren Y*. 2016. Floral organogenesis in  Dysosma versipellis  (Berberidaceae) and its systematic implications. Botany. 94: 359–368.

(12) Wang X, Gong JZ, Zhao L*, Che XF, Li HN, Ren Y. 2016. Flower morphology and development of the monotypic Chinese genus  Anemoclema  (Ranunculaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution. 302: 683–690.

(13) Zhao L*, Gong JZ, Zhang XH, Liu YQ, Ma X, Ren Y. 2016. Floral organogenesis in  Urophysa rockii , a rediscovered endangered and rare species of Ranunculaceae. Botany. 94: 215–224.

(14) Zhao L, Wang W, Ren Y*, Bachelier JB. 2012. Floral development in  Asteropyrum  (Ranunculaceae): implication for its systematic position. Annales Botanici Fennici. 49: 31–42.

(15) Zhao L, Bachelier JB., Chang HL, Tian XH, Ren Y*. 2012. Floral development in  Ranunculus  and three allied genera in Ranunculeae (Ranunculoideae, Ranunculaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution. 298: 1057–1071.

(16) Zhao L, Liu P, Che XF, Wang W, Ren Y*. 2011. Floral organogenesis of  Helleborus  and  Nigella  (Ranunculaceae) and its systematic significance. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society .  166: 431–443.













E-mail: biology_zhaoliang@126.com
